Course curriculum

    1. Overview of the course

    2. Introduction to Sumdog's tools

    3. Quiz - Introduction to Sumdog's tools

    1. Module 1 overview - Identifying gaps at a strand level

    2. Module 1 - Identifying gaps at a strand level video

    3. Module 1 - Tasks (optional)

    1. Module 2 overview - Identifying gaps at a topic level

    2. Module 2 Introduction - Identifying gaps at a topic level

    3. Module 2 - Setting the assessment - Identifying gaps at a topic level

    4. Module 2 - Viewing the pupil's screen - Identifying gaps at a topic level

    5. Module 2 - Viewing the results - Identifying gaps at a topic level

    6. Module 2 - Tasks (optional)

    1. Module 3 overview - Identifying gaps at a skill level

    2. Module 3 introduction - Identifying gaps at a skill level

    3. Module 3 - Setting the assessment - Identifying gaps at a skill level

    4. Module 3 - Viewing the pupil's screen - Identifying gaps at a skill level

    5. Module 3 - Viewing the results - Identifying gaps at a skill level

    6. Module 3 - Tasks (optional)

    1. Module 4 overview - Filling the gaps

    2. Module 4 - Introduction - Filling the gaps

    3. Module 4 - Setting practice - Filling the gaps

    4. Module 4 - Viewing the pupil's screen - Filling the gaps

    5. Module 4 - Viewing the results - Filling the gaps

    6. Module 4 - Tasks (optional)

    1. Well done! You've completed it!

    2. Feedback survey

About this course

  • 26 lessons
  • This course will take about 30 minutes to complete.

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